Kennley Leyendeckers
Associate Director
Kenlley is a Haitian native whose American parents adopted him at thirteen. As a young boy living in an orphanage, he met missionaries who inspired a growing vision within him. He knew he wanted to help bring hope to the children in Haiti, just like the missionaries did for him. The 2010 Earthquake precipitated his father’s going to Haiti to escort him to America. He quickly adapted to the American language and culture, graduating high school and attending college.
He has been the associate director of Mercy International since 2016. He continues to feel that the Lord wants him to be involved in Haiti and Mercy International. Kenlley is married to his wife Lydia, and they have a daughter named Aimée.
Kenlley’s favorite verse in the Bible is Matthew 22: 37-39. Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Kenlley believes if every Christian were to live by these verses, we would change the world because you can’t love God and not love or care for others.
Kenlley’s prayer is to see God use his family to help the people of Haiti and his neighbors.