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Homere Wood Jerry




Hi, I am Homère Wood-Jerry, 


I’m a 5th-grade student, who dreams of becoming an engineer. I was born on October 9, 2012, and live under the care of my guardians, Marie Michelle Pierce and Homère Gerard. 

My favorite Bible verse is Psalm 119:105, reflecting my faith and guiding light. My life story includes a harrowing connection to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, although I was not born at the time. My mother recounted the tragic event, where my sister suffered a severe injury when a wall collapsed on her head during the earthquake, leaving her unable to learn effectively. 


Despite these challenges, I remain determined to achieve my goal, and I express gratitude for the support that has come my way.


 My resilience and aspirations make me a promising young student in need of sponsorship to realize my dreams. Will you please? Thank you.


Price Options

One-time purchase


Monthly Sponsorship

Grade School


every month until canceled

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