Many of you may remember Daphne Guerrier from our previous post; if not, let me remind you who she is.

Six years ago, I was in Haiti working on the education program with Joey Burda. We walked from house to house, taking pictures and interviewing children and their parents. A young lady standing next to the church asked to speak to us. She told us she had finished high school a few months before and wanted to go to Nursing School but needed help. We told her we were sorry, but we only helped with primary and secondary school.
The next day, she returned but was more determined to talk to us this time. She said, “I am finished with high school, and I do not want to sit at home doing nothing. I earned a diploma, and I want to be a nurse.” I had to remind her again why we could not help her. She returned the third day, saying, “I need help to go to college. I need to help people who are sick.”
Through her persistence, we asked and received permission from our board to support her through Nursing School. Last September, Daphne graduated from nursing school and was now ready to go out and find her future. It so happened that right after she graduated, we had an opening at our clinic in Gressier. Daphne got the job!
God works in mysterious ways!
We cannot put into words how proud we are of Daphne and her accomplishments. Our goal is to help the poorest of the poor thrive and make it by themselves. To have someone from the village, from our program, now working for us is fantastic. Our prayer has been to see children develop through our educational program and end with a sustainable vocation! They are the future of our villages and the future of Haiti. We want them to succeed and become someone able to support themselves and help others.
But more importantly, we want them to become servants! Servants to God and servants to the people of Haiti. All to God’s glory!