For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 3:11
In God’s sovereignty, He provided the opportunity, funds and direction to begin a second village in the mountainous, remote area of Haiti called Deye Mon. Last week the foundation was laid for the very first house in the new village!

It really is amazing to witness how God provides for some of the poorest of the poor in Haiti. People who would otherwise never be known by the world outside their remote village are now connected by the generosity of families in Texas and Tennessee and Alabama. People who live in huts and have to resort to burning fires inside their straw homes to get rid of snake infestations are now being gifted with a solid home that will provide safety from the elements and outside intruders.

Everyone knows that in order to have a strong house, you need a solid foundation. In the same way, we know the entire village needs a solid foundation and so does each individual who will come to live there. Would you pray with us that the foundation — the beginning, the basis, the underpinning — of this village would be on Christ Jesus?
God knows the names of the families who will live in this village in the following months and He knows their needs. He knows if they are already followers of His or if they need to hear the Gospel. Will you pray that each family will have a firm foundation on Christ now or in the nearby future? Will you ask that God establish leaders in the village who can teach others about Jesus and connect the villagers to local established church fellowships?

These earthly buildings need strong foundations to meet important temporal needs.
Even more importantly, the lives of those living in the new village need strong foundations on Christ and His Word to grow up into strong, mature Believers who impact their country and world.

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word! What more can He say than to you He hath said, To you, who for refuge to Jesus have fled?