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Psalm 90 and the “Jwa Team”

Stephanie Cone

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

“Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” 

– God is doing great things in the beautiful country of Haiti. Pictured below is the mountain range of Haiti near Pestel on the coast. God is SO GOOD – He allowed the first house in the second village to be given to a dear widow and her granddaughter. The spot of the second village is in the mountains, not too far from the photo below. –


“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

– Prayer, devotions, planning, fellowshipping, games, heart to heart talks, student interviews, and many happy memories happen underneath the awning of the Merci’ de Dieu Village straw-thatched gazebo pictured below. – 


– The youth have a vibrant ongoing study in the Merci’ de Dieu Village church. Pictured below some of the younger children gathered around as the youth meeting was letting out. They had taught on purity and true love, then had singing, games, poetry, and more. God is raising up more leaders in Haiti. Praise the Lord! – 


“Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, and for as many years as we have seen evil.” 

– Time and again, visitors to the Merci’ de Dieu Village say that one of the most striking things about the people there is their JOY. What a living testimony so many of them are of the joy of the Lord!  Pictured below are three of our dear friends (the two ladies are amazing cooks, and Jean Tillis is on hand to help with whatever is needed around the village). 


“Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children.” 

– Happy faces on the early arrivals at the Bible school in the village church. The most recent story: David and Goliath! – 


– Personalized interviews (in process below, with those two precious girls in their cute school uniforms and adorable green bows!) with each of the sponsored students in the Merci’ de Dieu Village is *really* a precious time to get to know the kids. Thank you to everyone who helps send these children to school. You are giving them a life-changing opportunity! – 


– So far we have one specialized after-school English class (pictured below) in the village and hope to soon have a second. They’re doing great! This type of training sets up the children with further employment opportunities as future adults. – 


– How could I resist posting another photo of cute kids in their adorable uniforms??? – 🙂


“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!”

– I wish you could walk around the village with me. It is so beautiful, with colorful houses, gardens tended by the home owners, children playing in the paths, men and women working or visiting. One of the most beautiful sights which has increased over the past months has been what you see pictured below. Lovely village ladies working on intricate handmade works of art. Many of the pieces are designed by their children, husbands or village friends. These pieces are taken back to the USA and put on pillows or framed. One hundred percent of the funds go back to the hard-working women of the Merci’ de Dieu Village! – 


– Below is a photo of a meeting in the village church for the women in the Threads of Blessing program. – 


– Three of the Threads of Blessing team ladies pictured below. Although the program is run by village ladies, they partner with the American team to grow in skills and to get their products on the market. – 


– Here is one of the village homes surrounded by their gardens. Often villagers plant flowers, fruit trees, and vegetables. It’s beautiful! – 


– Below are very happy orphans in the orphanage a few hills away from the Merci’ de Dieu Village. They’re excited for visitors and a delivery of water! We pray for the work of our hands to be blessed as we serve these little ones on occasional visits, and we seek the Lord’s open doors to be able to serve them more. – 


– It was an absolute JOY to serve with our team from the States! We chose the name “Jwa Team” (Jwa is “joy” in Creole) because of their joyful hearts and attitudes! – 


Scripture: Psalm 90, verses 1-2, 12, 14-17

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