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Joey Burda
Jul 1, 20141 min read
God Gave More Than We Planned
Fritz-Gerald will get to go to school this year. . . God provided through a generous sponsor! At the end of our last post we quoted this...
Joey Burda
Jun 27, 20142 min read
Counting Down!
Thank the Lord! We’ve made it to the countdown! Only 6 days until we reach Haiti! Only 8 children still needing sponsors (of the 80...

Joey Burda
Jun 23, 20142 min read
Don’t Despise The Small Things
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are...
Joey Burda
Jun 20, 20142 min read
God Is Providing For The Children!
Less than two weeks ago we put up a post about the life-changing role a basic education can play for the poorest of the poor Haitian...

John Leininger
Jun 17, 20142 min read
What is Chikungunya fever??
The rainy season has always brought troubles for the Haitian people, including malaria, and in recent years, deadly cholera. Now there’s...

John Leininger
Jun 7, 20141 min read
How Do You Prevent Poverty in Haiti?
It’s officially summer in Haiti, but the coming school year is already on our minds. Unlike the United States, Haitians have to pay to...

John Leininger
May 28, 20142 min read
The Village is Finished but the Work Goes On
I’ve been home now for a little while and have had time to reflect on the incredible events that occurred on my last trip to Haiti and to...
John Leininger
May 6, 20141 min read
Soccer Shoes and Bicycles
One of the team members that came on this trip brought a bunch of soccer shoes. Soccer (called football here) is “the game” in Haiti and...
John Leininger
May 6, 20143 min read
What Ever Happened to the Starving Boy Named Markendy??
Many of you will remember the very malnourished little boy named Markendy that came to our clinic in February. I was fortunate to see him...
John Leininger
May 2, 20143 min read
A Red Letter Day
“A red letter day!” I really don’t know where that term comes from. Is it good or bad? The one thing that comes to mind is the bible...
John Leininger
May 1, 20142 min read
This Decision was Easy
Two ladies came to the village to visit me today asking for a home. They fit the criterion to qualify for a home in the village: a family...
John Leininger
May 1, 20141 min read
She’s Crippled but Ran!
I’ve attached two pictures of Carline. She’s been crippled since birth. She’s nineteen now but was fifteen at the time of the earthquake....
John Leininger
Apr 28, 20142 min read
It Beats Limping
The other night I had a dream. For those who hate to hear someone else’s dreams, I will keep it short. 🙂 A menacing man in black was...
John Leininger
Apr 27, 20142 min read
This is What it is All About!!
I hope you can feel my joy through this blog post. Tonight I felt led to start a bible study for some of the older children in the...
John Leininger
Apr 26, 20141 min read
The Fate of our Free Clinic
As the only medical care available near the village is expensive and meant for the wealthy, a high priority for us last year was to build...

John Leininger
Apr 26, 20143 min read
I Got the Worst Good News
I said, “O Jesus, O Jesus.” It was DEFINITELY a prayer. It was great news! We were actually going to get our well drilled before our...

John Leininger
Apr 25, 20142 min read
The Baddest Lady in the Village
The lady’s name is Guerline, she’s the baddest lady in the village. I wondered how she got a house in the village and what went wrong...
John Leininger
Apr 25, 20142 min read
A Sad Day
Generally on teams, I try to bring into Haiti as much US money as I will need for the team because the banks in Haiti will hold your...
John Leininger
Apr 21, 20142 min read
Dad, There’s Nothing in the Fridge!
Four men have just left Haiti. They joined me on the first part of this month long trip to build the last homes in the village. These...
John Leininger
Apr 19, 20142 min read
It Doesn’t Get any Better Than This!
Often I’m blessed to bring a family member with me on my adventures to Haiti. This trip however I was fortunate to bring my...
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